Sunday, November 8, 2009

MoVe! Compared With Other Systems

The MoVe! vending system is very powerful compared with the other systems on the market. Its strength is the very good balance of features, lag efficiency and usability.

The MoVe! vending system is network based, but not web based. This brings some great advantages:
  • All vendors are controlled by an in world server.
  • All important network traffic stays on the grid. This makes network traffic more reliable.
  • All network traffic is done by secure https connections.
  • All network traffic that transport valuable information is signed with an MD5 hash.
Setup is most easy. The network is self organizing. You need not to care about it.

The MoVe database will never know any data of your products or business relationships. MoDesign will not even be able to sell customer data (e.g. like Appez sold their business and data to someone else). Web based systems do know and do own all your sales data. If you are looking for a networked vending system, that protects your privacy, MoVe! will be it.

Please also read the MoVe! Privacy Policy.

Technical date (as measured in August 2011):

Max. Number of Items per Vendor
MoVe!   180 (at present, aiming 210 again for future versions)
Hippo   100
Alika   80 (160 with additional script)

Script time
        Server   Vendor
MoVe!   0.014    0.002          (one vendor might use 0.004 ms)
Hippo   0.040*   0.013 to 0.061 (with a hang to 0.023)
Alika   0.002*   0.002 to 0.006 (depending on number of Items loaded)
JEVN             0.020          (4 panel vendor)

* it is recommended to use more then 1 server
# hippo v2.0: 61ms, v2.7: 0.013 to 0.023 ms;
# hippo v2.7: special single item vendors with reduced features: 0.003 to 0.004 ms
Disclaimer: measurements can differ on different sims, sim load or grid load - there is no guarantee.

Number of scripts / memory usage:
       Server    Vendor
MoVe!   8/3        1/1
Hippo  20/10(?)*  11/
Alika   1/1*       3/3 to 4/3

* it is recommended to use more then 1 server
(total scripts / different scripts)
The number of different scripts is a measure for the memory usage, as identical mono scripts share memory.

Prims Used
         Server   Vendor**  Vendor    Vendor    Vendor
                  1 Panel   6 Panel  16 Panel  70 Panel
MoVe***     4        1         3         5        15
Hippo       2*       9        17         -         -
Alika       1*       5        11        21         -

* it is recommended to use more then 1 server
** Single display multi product vendor with buy for friend button
*** MoVe! vendors with graphical price tag may use 1 more prim

Display Formfactor
MoVe         4:3 (landscape), 1:1 (square), 16:9 (wide), 3:4 (portrait)
Hippo        4:3 (landscape)
Alika        1:1 (square)
Marketplace  4:3 (recommended), 1:1 (optional)

Commission charged with commission based systems
MoVe!         : 2% of every sale (rounded to next upper, min. L$ 1)
Hippo         : 2% of every catalogue sale (rounded to next upper, min. L$ 2)
                + one time L$ 1950
Alika         : 5% of every sale (min. L$ 1)
SL Marketplace: 5% of every sale (rounded to next upper)

Cost of "regular" / premium or gold versions
MoVe! : L$  500 + per sale: L$ 1 + 0.2 % commission
Hippo : L$ 1950 + 2 % of every catalogue sale (rounded to next upper, min. L$ 2)
Alika : L$ 3500

Supported Languages

  • MoVe: all SL languages can be supported
    12 languages are supported by default
    every customer will be adressed in their local language
  • Hippo: only one language is supported
  • Alika: only one language is supported


Time to set up a copy of a complete shop:
  • MoVe!:
    1. Rez the copy of the shop
    2. Touch one main panel of any MoVe! vendor
    Time: approx 5 to 10 seconds for the complete shop
  • Other systems:
    1. Rez the copy of the shop
    2. With every vendor:
    2.1 confirm debit permission
    2.2 touch vendor
    2.3 reset vendor
    2.4 wait for vendor config to be loaded from notecard
    2.5 set up/check vendor configuration at website
    2.6 touch vendor
    2.7 update vendor
    Time: approx 1 to 2 minutes per vendor
    Good organized merchants need about 20 minutes per shop

How to add a new product
  • MoVe! (networked, but not web based):
    1. Edit the MoVe! Server (inventory is always (almost) empty and opens immediately)
    2. Drop Product, texture and optional notecard from your inventory to server inventory
    3. Edit server notecard:
    3.1 Add one line: [price];[product name]
    3.2 Optional: add more properties, like: group, tags, comission, URL
    4. touch server
    5. choose: upload
    MoVe will stick texture and notecard together and all vendors will be updated, usually in less then 10 seconds per sim, depending on number of products in your server
  • Web based systems:
    1. Edit the Server
    1.1 Wait until SL allows you to edit the inventory
    2. Drop Product, texture and optional notecard from your inventory to server inentory
    3. Touch the server
    4. choose to upload inventory to web page
    4.1 wait some minutes
    5. Open the Web page
    6. Log in
    8. Search the page for the new inventory
    9. Choose the new inventory to create products
    10. Fill out a bunch of form fields to stick the product together
    10.1 add price
    10.2 search for product texture
    10.3 search for product notecard
    10.4 Optional: add group and tags and priority and such
    11. save new product
    11.1 Wait for the website to load
    12. Open Vendors page(s)
    13. Update the vendors.