Monday, December 6, 2010

Vendor Setup


Setting up a vendor is really easy:
  1. Just touch an offlne vendor to get it online. 
  2. When you remove / delete a vendor, but still use  other vendors on the same sim, you must touch the main panel of an other vendor to make sure the vendors are still in contact with the server.
  3. To filter products displayed by a vendor, you can adjust all common filter settings with the vendor notecard.
    You can also add filter settings to the description field of the vendor, but please notice, that these changes only take effect, if you edit the notecard as well or reset the vendor! 
  4. When you are done with vendor setup, use the MoVe HUD to upload all products to all vendors of the sim you set up the vendors. All vendors should display the correct product now.


    Every vendor has a notecard in its inventory.
    The first line of the content of the notecard defines product filters for this vendor.The notecard name MUST NOT be changed and is specific with the vendor design!

    An empty first line will make the vendor display every product.

    Notecard for Vendors
    S::S P::P G::G T::T N::N C::C D::D

    // First line of this notecard is reserved for Vendor configuration


    Server ID Filter: Filter for the Server ID Tag 
    If you set up a Server ID with your server, you must enter the same name here to connect this vendor with that very server.


    Product Filter: All products that contain in their product name will be displayed


    List of groups the vendor is supposed to display
    If empty, all groups will be shown


    Only products with the -Tag will be shown


    Only the #-match of the filters will be displayed (single product display!)


    Commission that will be paid on every sale by this vendor
    Syntax exact the same as in Server setup:

    Example 1:
    will pay 50% of every sale to Mo Noel

    Example 2:
    will pay L$50 of every sale to Mo Noel

    %% of discount to People that wear an active group tag
    of the same group as the vendor