Saturday, November 27, 2010

Move to MoVe!

Migrate from Hippo or Alika to MoVe!

Migration from Hippo and Alika systems is really easy. A script will help you to set up the MoVe! product notecard.

Just follow these easy steps:
  1. Rez a Vendor of your present system (Alika or Hippo)
  2. Setup the vendor so that it will show the products you want to setup for MoVe!
  3. Edit the Vendor and add the Migration script:
    - MoVe! from Hippo to Move for Hippo vendors,
    - MoVe! from Alika to Move for Alika vendors
  4. Make sure, your chat history does not show a timestamp
  5. Have your vendor download the products
    The migration script now will print the setup for the MoVe! product notecard in open chat.
  6. Rez your MoVe! Server
  7. Edit your MoVe! Server
  8. Copy the chat log to your MoVe! product listing of Your MoVe! Server

To copy your products from your old Servers to your MoVe Server, just follow these simple steps:
  1. "Open" your server and copy the contents to your inventory
  2. Edit your MoVe! Server and copy these contents from your inventory into your Server
  3. Do so with every Hippo or Alika server

Now you are ready to get online:
  1. Rez an MoVe! vendor
  2. Touch your MoVe! Server
    choose: Upload to load the product notecard
Your Vendor will be loaded with your products!

To learn how to filter specific products, please refer the detailed server setup and the detailed vendor setup section of this document.

Migrate from JEVN to MoVe!

Migration from JEVN is really easy. A converter tool will help you to convert the JEVN product notecard(s) to your new MoVe! product notecard.

Just follow these easy steps:
  1. Rez the JEVN to MoVe converter
  2. "_MoVe! from JEVN to MoVe!"
  3. Drop the JEVN notecards into the converter
  4. The converter now will print the setup for the MoVe! product notecard in open chat.
  5. Rez your MoVe! Server
  6. Edit your MoVe! Server
  7. Copy the chat log to your MoVe! product listing of Your MoVe! Server

To copy your products from your old Servers to your MoVe Server, just follow these simple steps:
  1. "Open" your server and copy the contents to your inventory
  2. Edit your MoVe! Server and copy these contents from your inventory into your Server
  3. Do so with every Hippo or Alika server

Now you are ready to get online:
  1. Rez an MoVe! vendor
  2. Touch your MoVe! Server
    choose: Upload to load the product notecard
Your Vendor will be loaded with your products!

To learn how to filter specific products, please refer the detailed server setup and the detailed vendor setup section of this document.

Migration path

For some time, you might have the need to maintain your old system next to your new MoVe! system.

The MoVe! Server Management will help you to maintain the servers of your old system automatic.

Just drop a copy of the MoVe! Server Management script into your server(s). In the description field add tags, what inventory items should be synchronized with this server.

Valid tags are:
  • object
  • texture  
  • notecard
Every time you add items or new versions of items to your server, the MoVe! Server Management will update your 3rd party servers as well!

You can use the MoVe! Server Management to keep your SL Marketplace Magic Box up to date as well!

Managing servers has never been so easy!