Wednesday, December 8, 2010

MoVe! Quick Start Guide

If you migrate from other vendor systems, please read also everything about the easy migration from other systems to MoVe!

  1. Rez the MoVe! Sever
    -> touch the Server and grant debit permissions
  2. Edit the MoVe product notecard of the server
    -> add price and product name*
    -> one line per product
    -> price and product name separated by semicolon ;
  3. Add your products to the server inventory
    -> make sure the objects have a proper file name*
    -> don't be confused that the root inventory will be cleared
    -> SmartSort will move the items to the proper server link
  4. Add your product textures to the server inventory
    -> make sure the textures have a proper file name*
    ->don't be confused that the root inventory will be cleared
    -> SmartSort will move the items to the proper server link
  5. Optional: Add your product information notecards
    -> make sure the notecards have a proper file name*
    -> don't be confused that the root inventory will be cleared
    -> SmartSort will move the items to the proper server link
  6. Touch the server
    -> choose "load" to load the new products and update all vendors
  7. Optional (but recommended):  Add a landmark(s) to your shop
    -> drop as many landmarks to your shops as you like into your server
    -> they will be delivered when the LM-button of the vendor is touched
* The most easy way for naming is to have every part of a product named the same:
  • product name = object name = texture name = notecard name
    klick on items on the right side to see an example
 For more information about naming conventions, please refer the detailed server setup.

    1. Choose a vendor and rez the vendor
    2. Touch the main screen
      -> the vendor will load the products of the server
    Whenever you remove a vendor at a sim, you must touch the main panel of a remaining vendor!

    It is highly recommended to use the MoVe! HUD to check the setup after you are done.